Places To Go in the North part of the Island

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Mar Chiquita, Manatí, Puerto Rico

The North Coast stretches west of San Juan all the way to Isabela in the West. The Atlantic Ocean has shaped this coast over the millennia so you’ll find interesting rock outcrops with scenic views and some nice beaches protected by natural formations. When the beaches get rough, (usually in the winter months) stay out of the water and check out the sights inland.

The best way to explore this area is via the “old” routes that run along the coastline.

If you’re into curiosities there are two that stand out on the coastal road. The first is at Los Tubos Beach, a spectacular beach to visit and to surf. There’s a lot of current so it’s not recommended for swimming. If you go, be sure to check out all the concrete sculptures of marine animals and even of the Chupacabra (a legendary, mysterious creature). It’s a very unique and photo worthy installation, rumored to have been made by one of the park’s employees. Another huge curiosity is a 400 foot-tall statue of Christopher Columbus, one of the largest in Latin America on the coast just outside of Arecibo.

Playa Los Tubos, Manatí, Puerto Rico

Additional highlights on the North coast are the Karst mountains full of caverns and sinkholes created by water dissolving the limestone. This is where you’ll find Las Cavernas de Camuy that are so large El Morro Fortress can fit inside. You should also check out Hacienda Esperanza a restored sugar plantation and ecotourism and nature education attraction run by Para la Naturaleza. ( for more info)

Explore The North